eufy S1 Pro
Descripción general
Estación base
Limpieza de suelos
Evitación de obstáculos
Descripción general
Estación base
Limpieza de suelos
Evitación de obstáculos

Sistema revolucionario de limpieza de suelos

Succión potente
de 8.000 Pa
de 8.000 Pa

Estació ™
10 en 1
10 en 1

Diseño Futurista

Evitación de obstáculos
3D MatrixEye™
3D MatrixEye™
La creación de una obra maestra

Estación UniClean™ 10 en 1
Solución de limpieza todo en uno
Disfruta de una limpieza sin complicaciones con esta potencia 10 en 1, para un mantenimiento automatizado y sin esfuerzo.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
El generador de ozono incorporado crea agua ozonizada usando agua del grifo¹,
eliminando hasta el 99.99%² de los gérmenes.
eliminando hasta el 99.99%² de los gérmenes.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
Dosificación automática del detergente
Vaciado automático
Lavado automático
Recarga automática
Secado automático con aire caliente
Recogida automática de aguas residuales
Sistema revolucionario
de limpieza de suelos
de limpieza de suelos
¿Puede realmente una fregona sucia limpiar tu suelo?
Las soluciones de fregado convencionales no son suficiente ya que dejan manchas acumuladas en la fregona, que esparce la suciedad con cada pasada.
Mucho más que limpio
S1 Pro es la solución
A New Era of Cleanliess
Presentamos nuestra innovadora Always Clean Mop™️ que se renueva automáticamente, logrando una limpieza
impecable y completa. La fregona giratoria gira a 170 revoluciones por minuto, algo imposible
de hacer a mano, para eliminar la suciedad del suelo.
impecable y completa. La fregona giratoria gira a 170 revoluciones por minuto, algo imposible
de hacer a mano, para eliminar la suciedad del suelo.
Las manchas no tienen ninguna posibilidad
Con 1 kg de presión hacia abajo y una longitud de la fregona de 290 mm, el S1 Pro imita la meticulosa acción de fregar a mano para eliminar eficazmente las manchas difíciles.
1 kg
de presión hacia abajo
290 mm
de máxima longitud

Limpieza verificada por rayos UV
Limpieza 100% verificada por rayos UV
Comprueba los resultados de limpieza visiblemente superiores del S1 Pro en comparación con una robot fregona normal.
Brilla en cada situación, sin esfuerzo
Mancha de café seca durante 48 horas
Derrame de Ketchup
Mancha de café seca durante 48 horas
Derrame de Ketchup
Redefiniendo la limpieza de suelos
Con la tecnología líder Eco-Clean Ozone™️ para limpiar suelos, S1 Pro genera agua ozonizada a partir del agua del grifo¹, proporcionando una desinfección superior.
Mayor salud, mayor higiene
Elimina hasta el 99,99%² de gérmenes como el E. Coli, garantizando un espacio más limpio y saludable, incluso para personas alérgicas.

Mejora la limpieza de tus alfombras
Ya sea en suelos duros o alfombras, el robot aspira eficazmente el polvo en profundidad y minimiza los enredos de pelo, perfecto para hogares con mascotas.
Cuida más de tus alfombras
Cuando el S1 Pro detecta una alfombra, eleva automáticamente su fregona 12 mm, retrayéndola en el cuerpo del robot para mantener la alfombra limpia y seca.⁶
Adiós a lo ordinario,
Hola a la innovación
Hola a la innovación

Sofisticado y sólido
Control total con solo pulsar
El exclusivo control táctil LCD simplifica su uso. Con un solo toque, puedes controlar fácilmente el S1 Pro.

Back to Station


Switch Modes

Click Lock
Todo de un vistazo
Nuestro depósito de agua transparente te permite controlar fácilmente los niveles de agua, para saber exactamente cuándo rellenarlo.

La altura perfecta
La estación está diseñada con una altura ergonómica óptima para manejarla sin esfuerzo y sin agacharse.

Tamaño compacto, gran rendimiento
La estructura de la estación ha sido rediseñada para ser visualmente atractiva, priorizando la eficiencia y la facilidad de uso.
Limpieza precisa, de esquina a borde
El elegante diseño cuadrado del S1 Pro llega más fácil a las esquinas y bordes, eliminando la suciedad oculta.
Limpieza profunda,
incluso en espacios estrechos
incluso en espacios estrechos
Con su cuerpo ultrafino de 96 mm (3,78 pulg.), el S1 Pro se desliza fácilmente por debajo de los muebles, garantizando una limpieza meticulosa en espacios reducidos como debajo de sofás y camas.
Observa, piensa y reacciona como un ser humano
Evita obstáculos con la precisión
de la conducción autónoma
de la conducción autónoma
El algoritmo de IA 3D MatrixEye™ revoluciona la detección y
medición de obstáculos gracias a su precisión milimétrica,
similar a la de los vehículos autónomos.
medición de obstáculos gracias a su precisión milimétrica,
similar a la de los vehículos autónomos.

Visión más
inteligente y humana
inteligente y humana
Equipado con tecnología de imagen infrarroja binocular activa y una cámara RGB, imita la visión humana y crea en tiempo real modelos 3D a color que identifican con precisión varios objetos.
Reconocimiento más preciso⁸
Reconocimiento más preciso⁸
8veces por segundo
Medición a nivel milimétrico⁹
Medición a nivel milimétrico⁹
Detecta y esquiva cualquier obstáculo
Esquiva sin esfuerzo obstáculos de diferentes formas y tamaños, incluso objetos en movimiento y pequeños como cables, para garantizar una limpieza fluida.¹⁰
Limpia incluso en la oscuridad
Detecta y evita diversos obstáculos de forma eficaz incluso en la oscuridad, garantizando una experiencia de limpieza sin preocupaciones.¹¹

Precisión a nivel espacial
El mapeo TrueCourse™ aprovecha la misma tecnología LiDAR
utilizada en el proyecto de aterrizaje en Marte de la NASA
para crear los modelos 3D más precisos de tu hogar.
utilizada en el proyecto de aterrizaje en Marte de la NASA
para crear los modelos 3D más precisos de tu hogar.

Entiende tu hogar
El mapeo TrueCourse™ emplea la tecnología dToF LiDAR y 3D SLAM para crear mapas en tiempo real sin perderse ningún rincón, lo que garantiza una limpieza eficaz y exhaustiva.
Todos los niveles, perfectamente mapeados
El S1 Pro comprende rápidamente el entorno de tu hogar y desarrolla eficazmente rutas inteligentes para cada nivel en tiempo real, ofreciendo una experiencia sin preocupaciones. Además, se pueden almacenar hasta tres mapas de planta únicos.
Limpieza personalizada a un
toque de distancia
toque de distancia
Customize vacuum and mop mode to suit your needs.

Modos personalizados
Programas de limpieza
Reanudación de la limpieza
Zonas prohibidas
Compartir con la familia
Diseño pensado hasta
el último detalle
el último detalle

Control por voz inteligente
Disfruta de la comodidad del control por voz, manejando el S1 Pro con solo unas pocas palabras para agilizar tu rutina de limpieza con facilidad.

Se eleva hasta 20 mm
Supera sin esfuerzo alfombras y umbrales con el S1 Pro, capaz de escalar obstáculos de hasta 20 mm de altura para una limpieza más eficaz.

Bloqueo de seguridad para niños
Evita incidentes ocasionados por niños o mascotas con la función de bloqueo de seguridad para niños de la estación.

Tiempo de funcionamiento máximo de 3.6 horas
Disfruta de un tiempo máximo de funcionamiento de hasta 3.6 horas, permitiendo al S1 Pro cubrir áreas de hasta aproximadamente 183.5 m² (1,976 pies²) y proporcionar una limpieza completa.¹²

Recarga y reanuda
Si la batería se agota, el S1 Pro regresa automáticamente a su estación de carga y luego continúa con la limpieza.
Personas reales, experiencias reales
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Estación todo en uno:
15,08 × 18,39 × 26,4 in / 383 × 467 × 670 mm
15,08 × 18,39 × 26,4 in / 383 × 467 × 670 mm
12,8 × 13,7 × 3,8 in / 325 × 347 × 96 mm
12,8 × 13,7 × 3,8 in / 325 × 347 × 96 mm

Contenido de la caja
1. Estación UniClean™ 10 en 1
2. S1 Pro
3. Cepillo lateral × 2 juegos
4. Limpiador de suelos duros
5. Fregona giratoria adicional
6. Filtro de alto rendimiento adicional
7. Bolsa para el polvo adicional
8.Herramienta de limpieza
9. Cable de alimentación

1. Se recomienda usar agua del grifo para garantizar resultados óptimos de desinfección.
2. Basado en pruebas internas de eufy. El uso real puede variar según el entorno del hogar.
3.Utilice el limpiador para suelos duros exclusivo del S1 Pro para evitar daños en la estructura interna del robot.
4.Durante las pruebas de laboratorio se eliminó el 99,99% de E. Coli. Los resultados reales pueden variar según los factores ambientales.
5. Basado en pruebas internas de eufy, la carga es un 20% más rápida en comparación con el producto de la generación anterior.
6. Basado en pruebas internas de eufy, funciona mejor para limpiar alfombras de pelo medio a corto con un grosor no mayor de 12 mm.
7. Datos de pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio de eufy; los resultados reales pueden variar dependiendo del entorno del hogar.
8. Datos de pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio de eufy, los resultados reales pueden variar dependiendo del entorno del hogar.
9. Datos de pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio de eufy, los resultados reales pueden variar dependiendo del entorno del hogar.
10.Basado en pruebas internas de eufy, el S1 Pro puede detectar obstáculos ilimitados de más de 3×3×3 cm.
11. Basado en pruebas internas de eufy, en condiciones de poca luz, la capacidad de reconocimiento de cables y telas puede variar. Los resultados reales pueden depender del entorno.
12. Datos de pruebas realizadas en el laboratorio de eufy, los resultados reales pueden variar dependiendo del entorno del hogar.