eufy S1 Pro

Revolutionair dweilsysteem

8.000 Pa
krachtige zuigkracht
krachtige zuigkracht


Futuristisch ontwerp

3D MatrixEye™
om obstakels te vermijden
om obstakels te vermijden
Kunstzinnigheid boven het normale

10-in-1 UniClean™ Basisstation
Alles-in-één schoonmaakoplossing
Geniet van probleemloos schoonmaken met deze 10-in-1 krachtpatser, voor geautomatiseerd en moeiteloos onderhoud.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
De ingebouwde ozongenerator creëert geozoniseerd water met kraanwater¹,
waardoor tot 99,99%² bacteriën worden verwijderd.
waardoor tot 99,99%² bacteriën worden verwijderd.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
Automatische dosering reinigingsmiddel
Automatisch legen
Automatisch wassen
Automatisch bijvullen
Automatisch drogen met verwarmde lucht
Automatische opvang van afvalwater
Kan een vuile mop je vloeren echt schoonmaken?
Conventionele oplossingen voor dweilen schieten tekort, waardoor vuil en bacteriën zich ophopen. Je vloeren kunnen niet echt schoon worden met vuile dweilen.
Schoner dan schoon
S1 Pro is de oplossing
Een nieuw tijdperk in hygiëne
Maak kennis met onze geavanceerde Always Clean Mop™️ die zichzelf in realtime ververst met 170 tpm voor een all-round reiniging.
Vlekken maken geen kans
Met 1 kg neerwaartse druk en een moplengte van 290 mm bootst S1 Pro het nauwgezette schrobben met de hand na om hardnekkige vlekken effectief te verwijderen.⁷
1 kg
neerwaartse druk
290 mm
langste lengte in de industrie

UV-Verified Cleanliness
100% UV-Verified Cleanliness
See the visibly superior cleaning results of S1 Pro compared to a normal robot mop.
Schitter moeiteloos in elke situatie
48 uur ingedroogde koffievlek
Gemorste ketchup
48 uur ingedroogde koffievlek
Gemorste ketchup
Hygenisch dweilen opnieuw gedefinieerd
Met gewoon kraanwater¹ kan S1 Pro geozoniseerd water genereren dankzij de toonaangevende Eco-Clean Ozone™️ technologie voor het wassen van vloeren, met superieure desinfectie.
Gezondheid voor alles, hygiëne voor alles
Verwijdert tot 99,99%² van ziektekiemen zoals E. Coli, wat een schonere en gezondere leefruimte garandeert, zelfs vriendelijk voor mensen met allergieën.

8.000 Pa krachtige zuigkracht
Transformeer je tapijtreiniging
Of het nu op harde vloeren of tapijt is, de robot stofzuigt efficiënt diep zittend stof en minimaliseert haarklitten, perfect voor huisdiervriendelijke huizen.
Tapijtreiniging op een hoger niveau
Wanneer de S1 Pro een tapijt detecteert, tilt het de mop automatisch 12 mm op en trekt deze terug in het basisstation om het tapijt schoon en droog te houden.⁸
Gewoon is uit,
Innovatie is in
Innovatie is in

Verfijnd en toch solide
Eén druk, totale controlel
De exclusieve LCD-touchbediening vereenvoudigt de bediening, waardoor het voor iedereen intuïtief is. Met slechts één druk op het bedieningspaneel kun je de S1 Pro eenvoudig bedienen, zelfs zonder telefoon.

Back to Station


Switch Modes

Click Lock
Alles in één oogopslag
Met onze doorzichtige watertank kun je moeiteloos het waterpeil controleren, zodat je precies weet wanneer je moet bijvullen.

De perfecte hoogte
Het basisstation is ontworpen voor een ergonomische hoogte en kan moeiteloos worden bediend zonder te bukken.

Compact formaat, volledige capaciteit
De structuur van het basisstation is opnieuw ontworpen om er visueel aantrekkelijk uit te zien,
terwijl efficiëntie en gebruiksgemak voorop staan.
terwijl efficiëntie en gebruiksgemak voorop staan.
Nauwkeurige reiniging, van hoek tot rand
Het slanke vierkante ontwerp van S1 Pro zorgt ervoor dat hij moeiteloos moeilijk bereikbare plekken bereikt, zoals randen en hoeken van 90 graden voor een grondige dieptereiniging.
Diep schoonmaken,
zelfs in krappe ruimtes
zelfs in krappe ruimtes
Met zijn ultraslanke behuizing van 96⁹ mm manoeuvreert de S1 Pro moeiteloos in krappe ruimtes en zorgt het voor een zorgvuldige reiniging onder meubels.
Observeer, denk en reageer als een mens
Obstakelvermijding met
autonome precisie
autonome precisie
Het 3D MatrixEye™ AI-algoritme revolutioneert
obstakeldetectie en -meting met millimeterniveau precisie,
vergelijkbaar met die van zelfrijdende voertuigen.
obstakeldetectie en -meting met millimeterniveau precisie,
vergelijkbaar met die van zelfrijdende voertuigen.

menselijker zicht
menselijker zicht
Uitgerust met actieve binoculaire infraroodbeeldtechnologie en een RGB-camera, bootst het menselijk zicht na en creëert het in realtime gekleurde 3D-modellen die verschillende objecten nauwkeurig identificeren.
nauwkeurigere herkenning¹⁰
nauwkeurigere herkenning¹⁰
8keer per seconde
Metingen op millimeterniveau¹⁰
Metingen op millimeterniveau¹⁰
Elk obstakel detecteren en ontwijken
Het navigeert moeiteloos rond obstakels van verschillende vormen en maten, zelfs bewegende voorwerpen en kleine voorwerpen zoals draden, en zorgt zo voor een soepele schoonmaakervaring.¹⁰
Schoon, zelfs in het donker
Detecteer en vermijd verschillende obstakels effectief, zelfs in donkere omgevingen, voor een echt zorgeloze schoonmaakervaring.¹¹

Your Privacy, Our Priority
Het systeem voor obstakelherkenning en -vermijding van S1 Pro werkt volledig offline. Bovendien is de veiligheid door TÜV SÜD geëvalueerd volgens de strenge standaard en methode: ETSI EN 303 645.

Kaarten met een nauwkeurigheid van ongekend niveau
TrueCourse™ Mapping maakt gebruik van de geavanceerde dToF LiDAR-technologie om realtime 3D-kaarten¹³ te maken. Deze technologie wordt ook gebruikt in NASA's Mars Landing project.

Begrijp jouw huis
TrueCourse™ Mapping maakt gebruik van dToF LiDAR en 3D SLAM-technologie voor realtime kaarten, waardoor een effectieve en grondige reiniging gegarandeerd is.
Alle niveaus, perfect in kaart gebracht
S1 Pro begrijpt snel de omgeving van je huis en ontwikkelt efficiënt slimme routes voor elk niveau in real-time, voor een zorgeloze ervaring. Bovendien kunnen er tot drie unieke plattegronden worden opgeslagen.
Schoonmaak op maat, slechts één
tik verwijderd
tik verwijderd
Pas de stofzuig- en dweilmodus aan je behoeften aan.

Aangepaste modi
Schoonmaak schema's
Schoonmaken hervatten
Verboden zones
Delen met familie
Doordacht ontwerp,
tot in het kleinste detail
tot in het kleinste detail

Slimme spraakbesturing
Geniet van handsfree gemak met stembediening, waarbij je S1 Pro met slechts een paar woorden aanstuurt om je schoonmaakroutine met gemak te stroomlijnen.

Klimt tot 20 mm¹⁴
Overwin moeiteloos tapijten en drempels met S1 Pro, die in staat is om obstakels tot 20 mm hoog te beklimmen voor een betere reinigingsefficiëntie.

Bescherm jezelf tegen per ongeluk starten door kinderen of huisdieren met de kindervergrendelingsfunctie van het station.

3,6¹⁴ uur maximale werktijd
Geniet van een maximale werktijd van 3,6 uur, waardoor de S1 Pro ongeveer 183,5 m² kan schoonmaken en een grondige schoonmaakbeurt kan geven.¹⁴

Opladen, dan hervatten
Als de batterij bijna leeg is, keert S1 Pro automatisch terug naar de hub om op te laden en gaat dan verder met schoonmaken.
Onze innovaties winnen de harten van consumenten!
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!

Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!

Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.

Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!

The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.

I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.

It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.

The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.

Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.

Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.

This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.

I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.

It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.

Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!

I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.

Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.

This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.

I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.

It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.

I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.

15,08 × 18,39 × 26,4 in / 383 × 467 × 670 mm
15,08 × 18,39 × 26,4 in / 383 × 467 × 670 mm
12,8 × 13,7 × 3,8 in / 325 × 347 × 96 mm
12,8 × 13,7 × 3,8 in / 325 × 347 × 96 mm

Wat zit er in de doos
1. 10-in-1 UniClean™ Basisstation
2. S1 Pro
3. Extra rolmop
4. Schoonmaakhulpmiddel
5. Zijborstel × 2 Sets
6. Reiniger voor harde vloeren
7. Netsnoer
8. Extra stofzak
9. Extra filter met hoge prestaties

1. Kraanwater wordt aanbevolen voor gebruik om optimale desinfectieresultaten te garanderen.
2. De ozonfunctie heeft de veiligheidstest door TÜV Rheinland Laboratory doorstaan, met een verwijderingspercentage van 99,99% van E. coli volgens testrapport CN239IDV001.
3. Gebaseerd op eufy interne test. Het werkelijke gebruik kan variëren afhankelijk van de thuisomgeving.
4. Gebruik de exclusieve S1 Pro harde vloerreiniger om schade aan de interne structuur van de robot te voorkomen.
5. Gebaseerd op interne eufy-test, 20% sneller opladen in vergelijking met het product van de vorige generatie.
6. De werkelijke prestaties kunnen variëren afhankelijk van het vloertype en het stofniveau.
7. We raden af om grote hoeveelheden vloeibaar afval te reinigen, omdat er dan een risico bestaat dat de robot beschadigd raakt.
8. Op basis van interne eufy-tests werkt het product het beste voor het reinigen van tapijten met een gemiddelde tot korte pool en een dikte van maximaal 12 mm.
9. Voor een efficiëntere reiniging van kleine ruimtes raden we je aan om de standaardmodus Blush around tiny obstacles in de applicatie uit te schakelen.
10. Gegevens van testen uitgevoerd in het laboratorium van eufy, werkelijke resultaten kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de thuisomgeving.
11. Op basis van interne eufy-tests kan S1 pro onbeperkt obstakels detecteren die groter zijn dan 2,5 × 2,5 × 2,5 cm.
12. Op basis van interne eufy-tests kan het herkenningsvermogen van kabels en stoffen bij weinig licht variëren. De werkelijke resultaten kunnen afhankelijk zijn van de omgeving.
13. Real-time 3D-kaarten worden alleen gebruikt voor het vermijden van obstakels door de robot, terwijl de app 2D-kaarten weergeeft.
14. Gegevens van testen uitgevoerd in eufy laboratorium, werkelijke resultaten kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de thuisomgeving.
15. We raden ten zeerste aan om een extra 40 cm verticale ruimte boven het station vrij te houden voor het moeiteloos optillen en verwijderen van de dubbele watertank.