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eufy S1 Pro - Il primo robot aspirapolvere e lavapavimenti al mondo
Informazioni generali
Stazione base
Lavaggio del pavimento
Evitamento degli ostacoli
Informazioni generali
Stazione base
Lavaggio del pavimento
Evitamento degli ostacoli
Sistema rivoluzionario per lavaggio dei pavimenti
Design futuristico
MatrixEye™ 3D per
evitare gli ostacoli
La realizzazione di un capolavoro
Design DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign Detail
Stazione UniClean™ 10-in-1
La tua soluzione tutto-in-uno
Trasforma la tua esperienza di pulizia! Con la nostra stazione 10-in-1, la manutenzione è automatizzata e non richiede alcuno sforzo.
Raccolta automatica dell'acqua di scarico
Supporta il trasferimento automatico dell'acqua di scarico dal serbatoio dell'acqua
sporca del robot, al serbatoio dell'acqua sporca della stazione, così le tue mani
restano pulite.
Eco-Clean Ozone™
Erogazione automatica del detersivo
Svuotamento automatico
Lavaggio automatico
Riempimento automatico
Asciugatura automatica ad aria riscaldata
Raccolta automatica dell'acqua di scarico
Un sistema rivoluzionario
per il lavaggio dei pavimenti
Uno straccio sporco può davvero pulire i pavimenti?
Le soluzioni di pulizia convenzionali sono inadeguate e lasciano lo sporco accumularsi sul tessuto, diffondendosi ad ogni passaggio.
Pulito oltre il pulito
S1 Pro è la soluzione che cercavi
Una Nuova Era di Pulizia
Ti presentiamo il nostro Always Clean Mop™️ auto-pulente all’avanguardia, che garantisce dei pavimenti splendenti e
una pulizia completa. Il panno Mop rotante effettua 170 giri al minuto, velocità irraggiungibile per le mani
umane, per rimuovere lo sporco dal pavimento.
Le macchie non hanno più scampo
Always Clean Mop™️ imita il movimento delle mani che di sfregano, applicando una pressione verso il basso di 1 kg per rimuovere anche le macchie più ostinate.Con una lunghezza di 290 mm, il panno Mop copre delle aree ampie, massimizza l'efficienza della pulizia e garantisce risultati impeccabili.
1 kg
di pressione verso il basso
lunghezza massima del settore
Compare Clean
UV-Verified Cleanliness
Pulizia verificata al 100% dai raggi UV
Scopri i risultati di pulizia visibilmente superiori di S1 Pro rispetto a un normale robot aspirapolvere lavapavimenti.
Far risplendere ogni stanza, senza sforzi
Macchia di caffè essiccata per 24 ore
Ketchup versato
Macchia di caffè essiccata per 24 ore
Ketchup versato
Una nuova definizione di lavaggio igienico
Grazie alla tecnologia leader Eco-Clean Ozone™️ per il lavaggio dei pavimenti, S1 Pro genera acqua ozonizzata a partire dall'acqua del rubinetto¹, garantendo una disinfezione di qualità superiore.
Santé et propreté, nos priorités
Le robot élimine jusqu'à 99,99 %² des germes tels que les E. Coli pour vous garantir un espace de vie plus propre et plus sain, adapté aux personnes souffrant d'allergies.
8,000 Pa Potent Suction
Trasforma la pulizia dei tappeti
Il robot aspira la polvere in profondità e rimuove efficacemente i grovigli di peli e capelli, su pavimenti duri come sui tappeti. Ideale per le famiglie con animali domestici.
Grande cura dei tappeti
Quando S1 Pro rileva un tappeto nel suo percorso di pulizia, si solleva automaticamente fino a 12 mm. La sua funzione retrattile assicura che il panno Mop sia rientrato all'interno del corpo del robot, per evitare il contatto diretto con il tappeto, mantenendolo pulito e asciutto.⁶
L'ordinario è superato,
L'innovazione è attuale
Design DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign DetailDesign Detail
Solido e sofisticato
Un solo tocco per un controllo totale
Il pratico sistema di controllo LCD Touch semplifica l'utilizzo. Gestisci S1 Pro con un semplice tocco.
Back to Station
Back to Station
Switch Modes
Switch Modes
Click Lock
Click Lock
Tutto è accessibile
Il serbatoio trasparente consente di sapere esattamente quando aggiungere acqua pulita, con un semplice sguardo.
L'altezza perfetta
Progettata con un'altezza ergonomica ottimale, la stazione consente un utilizzo semplice e senza bisogno di chinarsi, per evitare posture scomode.
Compatto, ma capace
La struttura della stazione è stata ripensata e perfezionata per essere visivamente accattivante, ma soprattutto efficiente e facile da usare.
Pulizia di precisione, dagli angoli ai bordi
L'elegante design quadrato di S1 Pro permette di pulire senza fatica anche i bordi e gli angoli, per una pulizia profonda.
Pulizia profonda anche
in spazi ristretti
Con il suo corpo ultrapiatto da 96⁷ mm, S1 Pro si muove facilmente anche in spazi ristretti, assicurando una pulizia meticolosa sotto i mobili.
Osserva, pensa e reagisce come un essere umano
Evita gli ostacoli con la
precisione della guida autonoma
L'algoritmo IA 3D MatrixEye™ ha rivoluzionato il rilevamento e la
misurazione degli ostacoli con la sua precisione millimetrica,
simile a quella dei veicoli a guida autonoma.
Visione più intelligente,
simile a quella umana
Percepisce 300.000 voxel contemporaneamente per misurare gli ostacoli con una precisione millimetrica.
volte più preciso⁹
8volte al secondo
Misurazione a livello millimetrico¹⁰
Rileva e schiva ogni ostacolo
Si muove senza problemi intorno agli ostacoli di varie dimensioni, oggetti in movimento grandi e piccoli come dei cavi, assicurando un'esperienza di pulizia senza interruzioni.¹¹
Pulito, anche al buio
Rileva ed evita efficacemente i vari ostacoli anche in ambienti bui, garantendo un'esperienza di pulizia senza pensieri.¹²
Precisione spaziale
TrueCourse™ Mapping utilizza la tecnologia LiDAR avanzata,
la stessa impiegata nel progetto Mars Landing della NASA per creare
i modelli tridimensionali più precisi del tuo spazio.
Capisce la tua casa
TrueCourse™ Mapping impiega la tecnologia dToF LiDAR e 3D SLAM per ottenere mappe in tempo reale senza perdere un punto, per una pulizia efficace e completa.
Tutti i piani, perfettamente mappati
Crea in modo efficiente mappe dettagliate e percorsi intelligenti per ogni piano della tua casa. Inoltre, può archiviare facilmente le mappe di più livelli.
Pulizia personalizzata, a
portata di clic
Condividi l'accesso al dispositivo con i membri della famiglia per un controllo comodo.
Modalità personalizzate
Programmi di pulizia
Resume Cleaning
Zone vietate
Condivisione in famiglia
Un design ricercato,
curato in ogni dettaglio
Controllo vocale intelligente
Approfitta della comodità del controllo vocale per fare le pulizie senza mani. Bastano poche parole e S1 Pro si occupa della tua routine di pulizia.
Si solleva fino a 20 mm
S1 Pro supera senza problemi tappeti e soglie, salendo su ostacoli alti fino a 20 mm per una pulizia più efficiente.
Blocco di sicurezza per bambini
La funzione « blocco di sicurezza » per bambini della stazione permette di evitare l'avvio accidentale del dispositivo da parte di bambini o animali domestici.
3,6 ore di autonomia massima
Autonomia massima di 3,6 ore, che consente a S1 Pro di coprire circa 183,5 m² di superficie.¹³
Ricarica, poi riprendi
Se la batteria si scarica, S1 Pro torna automaticamente alla stazione per ricaricarsi e poi riprende la pulizia
Persone vere, esperienze vere!
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Peter Vogel
We sweep and mop our floors almost daily and were extremely excited to get the S1 Pro. Let me just say wow… I looked at the dirty water tank after this amazing little robot went around what we thought were “clean floors” and me and my wife were blown away how dirty the dirty water tank was! This thing literally made our floor FEEL different to walk on because of how well it cleaned it! Excited to use the eufy S1 Pro for years to come!
Varun Nigam
This is revolutionary cleaning system! I was amazed to see the grim and dirt it washed away from my floor. This isnt a mop, its a floor wash like nothing else to compare with. Super thrilled and lucky enough to get hands on this beautiful master piece! Thank you eufy!
Kenton Low
eufy is the best vacuum and floor washer groundbreaking! The eufy is the coolest and mapped all rooms. This product is one of the best that takes the work out of manual labor of cleaning.
Marcel Thewes
Overall, I am absolutely thrilled with the eufy S1 Pro! The unique design fits perfectly into my decor. Setting up the device was a breeze, and its performance is impressive. I cannot confirm any of the criticisms I read before purchasing – such as noise level, lack of climbing ability, or missing edge cleaning. The eufy S1 Pro works reliably and quietly. Today, my three-year-old son and I had a lot of fun watching our new household helper in action. A fantastic product that truly makes daily life easier!
The base station was easy to assemble and looks like a good decor in my living room.
I've only ever had experience with 3 prior generations of Deebot and the eufy. The Deebot was simply ok with much left to be desired that the eufy S1 Pro seems to have resolved such as better mopping with it's spin brush instead a simple attached water dripping onto a rag or the twin pinning mops which tends to miss a lot. I love the easier access to the clean/dirty tanks and it's more compact design.
It is much smarter and thorough. I feel like I can trust my eufy S1 Pro to do a great job and not worry about finding it stuck or stranded somewhere.
The look is incredible. The ease of usehas been a god send for my wife whostruggles with technology. It does all the things that it claims to do.
Valdo Järve
The eufy S1 Pro is light years ahead of the competition. No other robot vacuum or mop can match its capabilities, and it performs flawlessly! The obstacle avoidance is far superior to any other robotic cleaner on the market. It navigates right up to the edges of objects without needing to physically touch them. The mapping system is the most incredible I’ve ever seen. It reaches every corner of the house and goes exactly where you want it to. The robot always knows its location, and you can track its path in real-time on the app. The app is brilliantly designed, with an intuitive and simple UI. Nothing was overlooked. The cleaning ability of this robot is unparalleled. The mopping capability is particularly impressive. The self-cleaning mop effectively pulls dirt from the floor, and the onboard dirty water tank automatically deposits the dirty water into the base station’s tank. When you empty the dirty water tank, you’ll see just how effective this robot is. The floors are left literally squeaky clean! The product itself, including the base station and the robot, is beautiful. Its aesthetic appeal matches its functionality, making it the most visually pleasing option on the market. Ease of use was clearly a priority in the Eufy S1 Pro’s design. Maintenance is incredibly simple. The clean water tank on the front is a great design choice, and the floor cleaning cartridge is easy to change. The dust bag is expertly hidden and easy to replace, and the dirty water tank is a breeze to empty and clean. Overall, the Eufy S1 Pro is the last robot vacuum and mop you’ll ever need. It’s that good.
Elegant design and the ability to dry and apply cleaning solution automatically. The roller mop appears to be more effective than flat agitator pads.
This robot is amazing. I love that it is able to wash floors while it vacuums. I love that it is fully customizable and that you can set specific rooms to clean your desired way.
I know if I ask the S1 Pro to clean it's going to do that and intelligently go back to the station when it needs to.
It really is a major step up compared to any previous products I have used. I do still use my eufy S1 Pro stick mop/vac for stubborn marks such as food/sauce which may have been left on a hard floor overnight, but for general cleaning - it is exceptional.
Very quick. A sock or something was thrown in front of it and it immediately seen and avoided it. Very nice!
I sent out my past robot, it ran into my dog three times in a row, but S1 Pro stopped next to the dog, turned and went around him without toching him.
Much better than the past robots when it comes to avoiding objects and being able to continue cleaning without needing to be picked up or moved.
This is a great replacement for my other robot vacuum.The mopping is great though.
I do like that the robot sees an obstacle and doesn’t crash into it. My previous one would crash into things a few times before realising it was an obstacle.
It hasn’t crashed into anything since having it. It could possible go a bit closer to the walls in some areas for a closer clean.
I have one robot from other brand, compared to that it’s amazing. It has avoided all all my kids toys on the floor in addition to avoiding my dog. I’ve only had to remove jammed objects twice.
Stazione tutto-in-uno:
15.08 × 18.39 × 26.4 × 8.27 Inch
12.8 × 13.7 × 3.8 Inch
La confezione contiene:
1. Stazione UniClean™ 10-in-1
2. Robot Vacuum
3. Panno mop rotante aggiuntivo
4. Strumento di pulizia
5. Spazzola laterale × 2 set
6. Detergente per pavimenti duri
7. Cavo di alimentazione
8. Sacchetto per la polvere aggiuntivo
9. Filtro supplementare ad alte prestazioni
1. Per garantire risultati di disinfezione ottimali, si consiglia di utilizzare acqua di rubinetto.
2. Nei test effettuati in laboratorio è stato rimosso il 99,99% di E. Coli. I risultati effettivi possono variare a seconda dei fattori ambientali.
3. Per evitare di danneggiare la struttura interna del robot, si prega di utilizzare l'esclusivo detergente per pavimenti duri S1 Pro.
4. Dati basati su test interni di eufy. L'uso effettivo può variare in funzione dell'ambiente domestico.
5. In base ai test interni di eufy, la ricarica è più veloce del 20% rispetto alla generazione precedente.
6. In base ai test interni di eufy, funziona meglio per la pulizia di tappeti a pelo medio e corto con uno spessore non superiore a 12 mm.
7. Per garantire una pulizia più efficace anche negli spazi ristretti, si consiglia di disabilitare la modalità predefinita. Evitamento degli ostacoli di piccole dimensioni nell'app.
8. Dati ottenuti da test condotti nel laboratorio eufy, i risultati effettivi possono variare in funzione dell'ambiente domestico.
9. Dati ottenuti da test condotti nel laboratorio eufy, i risultati effettivi possono variare a seconda dell'ambiente domestico.
10. Dati ottenuti da test condotti nel laboratorio eufy, i risultati effettivi possono variare a seconda dell'ambiente domestico.
11.In base ai test interni di eufy, S1 pro è in grado di rilevare ostacoli illimitati di dimensioni superiori a 2,5 × 2,5 × 2,5 cm.
12. In base ai test interni di eufy, in condizioni di scarsa illuminazione, la capacità di riconoscimento di cavi e tessuti può variare. I risultati effettivi possono dipendere dall'ambiente.
Your Privacy, Our Priority
Il sistema di riconoscimento ed evitamento degli ostacoli di S1 Pro funziona interamente offline. Inoltre, è attestato da TÜV SÜD secondo standard di sicurezza informatica rigorosi come ETSI EN 303 645, per la tua totale tranquillità.